Intro : G Am Em C
G Am Em C

G Am
i’m falling to pieces
but i need this
yeah, i need this..
G Am
you’re my fault my weakness
Em C
when did you turn so cold..

G Am
you cut me down to the bone
now you’re dancing
all over my soul..
G Am
i’m falling to pieces
Em C
to pieces.. to pieces..

Reff :
G -D Am
but i still stay..
Em -D C
cause you’re the only thing i know..
G -D Am
so won’t you take..
Em D C
oh.. won’t you take me home..

G Am Em C
take me home.. home.. home..
G Am Em C
take me home.. home.. home..
G Am Em C
take me..
G Am Em C
..take me.. take me.. take me..
take me home..

G Am
round in circles here we go
with the highest highs
and the lowest lows..
G Am
but no one shakes me like you do
Em C
my best mistake was you..

G Am
you’re my sweet affliction
cause you hurt me right
but you do it nice..
G Am
round in circles here we go
Em C
oh.. oh yeah..

Reff :
G -D Am
but i still stay..
Em -D C
cause you’re the only thing i know
G -D Am
so won’t you take..
Em D C
oh.. won’t you take me home..

G Am Em C
take me home.. home.. home..
G Am Em C
take me home.. home.. home..
G Am Em C
take me..
G Am Em C
..take me.. take me.. take me..

G Am Em C
take me home.. home.. home..
G Am Em C
take me home.. home.. home..
G Am Em C
take me.. take me..
G Am
i still stay..
Em C
oh.. won’t you take me home..
G Am Em C
tak me home..


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